
1888 Barnum Ave. Startford, CT. 06614


Top 5 Tips on Traveling During Covid

Covid-19 has brought the world to its knees in 2020 and we are still feeling the effect even today. However, it’s getting better and some of the restrictions are lifting so we can go back to living our normal lives. Since the restrictions are lifting, many people are taking road trips and traveling more often. So, it’s best to learn how to keep you and everyone else safe while traveling and improving your driver’s education

Here are the top 5 tips you can implement while driving during Covid.

Carry Your PPE Equipment 

No matter where you go, you need to stay safe. This means you need to be carrying:

  • Hand sanitizer
  • Masks 
  • Disinfected wipes
  • Gloves

These are the essentials you need when you go traveling during Covid. You don’t want to go in for a pit stop to either use the bathroom or get food and not sanitize yourself afterward.

There are many germs and bacteria particles everywhere. For your safety and the safety of others wash your hands and use your PPE.

Maintain 6 Feet Apart When You Can

Going to restaurants or any type of establishment where there are other people, you need to main six feet apart at all times.

This will help reduce your coming in contact with any person if they sneeze or cough. Now depending on where you are, maintaining six feet apart is difficult. However, you should still try when you can.

Wear Your Mask

If you have N95 available, then make sure to use those. If not make sure to double up on the regular cloth or surgical mask.

Whenever you’re traveling outside your house, you need to be wearing a mask at all times and make sure that you are wearing them correctly.

Your mask should be fitted to your face and be worn over your mouth and your nose. Do not reuse the mask after an excessive amount of time being worn and do not use the mask when it has been in a car for a long time.

Disinfect Your Vehicle 

Servicing your vehicle is important, by either going to the car wash or disinfecting the car yourself. You should try to aim for disinfecting your car after each stop or when you go in and out frequently.

You can disinfect your car by using disinfected wipes and gloves and going over any part of the car that people touch or use.

Plan Ahead of Time

It is important to know the restrictions in places you plan to visit, as well as finding out the ability to eat in or take out in the dining establishments that you want to eat in. Planning ahead of time before your trip will save you a lot of headaches, as well as allow all institutions to keep safety measures in place.

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