How Are You Supposed to Use Your Car Lights?

When you begin learning how to drive, you not only have to learn the rules of the road and how to drive a car, you also have to learn how to utilize the different gadgets, buttons, and features in your car. Some car features are there for convenience or luxury, but others are there out of necessity. The different lights you can turn on and off in your car were put in place to keep you and the people driving around you as safe as possible in different road conditions.

When you first are learning how to use your car and what all of the buttons are for, it can also be confusing to remember when you are actually supposed to use certain lights. Here is a list of different car lights and when to use them to help you out:

Full Beam Headlights – These are also typically called your bright lights. These are not the lights you want to use the majority of the time during the night. They are intended to be used if you are alone on a long stretch of road or highway. They can hurt the eyes of those driving towards you if used incorrectly. When you see a car finally approaching you during that long stretch of road, be sure to turn them off. You can get into trouble for having them on at the wrong time.

Headlights -These are the lights you are supposed to use regularly at night. They help you see the road and other people and help other people see you. They are also to be used in fog, heavy rain, or other inclement weather that obstructs your visibility. These are the lights that can cause you to get a ticket if you drive around with only one working. Be sure to get them replaced right away.

Sidelights- These lights are usually smaller and on either side of your car. These can be used in a situation where one of your headlights suddenly stops working. They won’t do much to help your visibility, but they will do a lot to help others see you. These are also to be used if you have to park on the side of the road or highway.

Fog Lights- Are usually smaller than headlights and are usually directly under the bumper. They are used to help light up the road.

Brake Lights- It is so important that you regularly check to see if your brake lights are out. It can hard to remember as they are on the back of the car. However, for the safety of you and other drivers, they are an absolute necessity. If yours go out, you can receive a ticket if you get caught before you have it fixed.

Hazard Lights- The little button with a triangle? Those are your hazard lights. These flashing lights are used to notify drivers of one of several things: your presence in inclement weather, being stationary on the side of a road or shoulder, or if you are causing an obstruction in the road.

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