How to Correctly Utilize your Car Mirrors?

Many cars in the past decade or so have come out with technology to notify you if a car is passing you, next to you, or behind you. This technology is not necessarily intended to be a replacement for your car mirrors but is there to help you ensure that what you see in the mirror is correct and that it is safe for you to do what you need to do.

However, many of these forms of technology are usually reserved for more expensive cars. So, if you are driving an older, used car or a less expensive car model, you very likely will not find this technology on your vehicle.

So, that being said, most of us are stuck with traditional mirrors without all of the extra bells and whistles for the time being. And even with the mirror technology, you are still supposed to check the mirrors yourself just to be safe. So, we need to know how to properly adjust and utilize our mirrors. Each mirror was put in place for a different reason, and there are different expectations for each mirror. Let’s take a look at those:

Side View Mirrors

This mirror is often used to see if it is safe for you to turn or change lanes. The mirrors reflect cars on either side of your vehicle, so you can see who is coming up behind you. There is a blind spot, so it is important to look to your side as well. Some new technology alerts you if a car is in your blind spot.

To adjust the mirror on the driver’s side, sit in the driver’s seat and put your head against the window. Adjust the mirror so that only a small portion of the side of the car is visible from this point of view.

To adjust the mirror on the passenger’s side, sit in the driver’s seat and lean over the center console. Adjust the mirror until you can barely see any portion of the side of the car.

Rear View Mirrors

This mirror is intended to show the space directly behind you. Many cars now have backup cameras, but not every car does, so it is still important to know how to adjust your mirror and safely use it.

It needs to be adjusted so that you can have a clear view of the entire back window. You need to be able to view everything in that window without having to move your head.

Be sure to make these adjustments if you are ever driving someone else’s car. These proper adjustments are crucial for your safety and you can not have a clear view of the things you need to without this proper adjustment. Be sure to always double-check over your shoulder after using your side-view mirrors. Blind spots are always an issue and a mirror cannot reflect another car in your blind spot unless it has special technology to do so. Many people may forget these adjustments or feel as though a mirror adjusted halfway correctly is fine. Incorrect adjustments can keep you from seeing what is going on around you. You need to be able to visualize other cars and where they are to stay as safe as possible.

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