The Importance of Coming to a Full Stop at Stop-Sign

The stop sign is one of the first driving signs or rules of the road that many of us learn to use. This one is easy because the directions are written onto the sign as opposed to some other driving indicators that may not be as obvious until you learn how to drive yourself. They are also extremely common along roads and usually the signs that we see around while we drive the most.

Despite the easy-to-read directions and common occurrence, many people do not follow through with what you are supposed to do when you come to a stop sign. The law says that when you arrive at a stop sign, you are to come to a full stop, check that the way is clear or that you have right of way, and then move along. However, because of the frequency that these signs occur, many drivers get used to the sight of them and do not come to a full stop. They may slightly slow down or come to a rolling stop and some might not even stop at all if they do not see another car arriving at the intersection or area. These habits are dangerous and need to be broken to ensure the driving safety of all drivers on the road.

If you find yourself or someone you know not coming to a full stop at every stop sign you encounter, you may need to be reminded of the importance of these road signs and what can happen if you do not follow through with a full top.

Reliability– People can be unpredictable. That is why without road rules and regulations being followed, driving can be dangerous. Road signs provide some sense of reliability on the road. If you see that someone crossing your path has a stop sign, it is normal to expect them to stop and adjust your driving accordingly. However, if the other individuals do not stop at the sign, your expectations have not been met and your safety may be in jeopardy or you may have to adjust your driving. When stop signs are followed through, they provide a sense of reliability that we need on roads. We need to be able to plan and expect what other drivers are doing to keep ourselves and others safe. When signs are not utilized the way they need to be, they lose that reliability.

Safety- Stop signs are often put at intersections. If multiple cars keep driving, a collision happens and everyone’s health and safety are at risk. Stopping at stop signs and following other road signs the way they should help keep all of us as safe as possible.

The Law– Not stopping or a rolling stop at a stop sign is illegal. It’s illegal because of its negligence of safety and if you get caught not stopping you can easily receive a ticket or fine.

Stop signs and other road signs were created for a reason. They were put there to keep drivers safe and give them important regulations to follow while they drive. While rules and regulations may seem like an inconvenience while driving or in other areas of life, they keep people accountable and keep all of us safe.

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