What are ABS brakes and how do they work?

Everyone, at least one time in life, has heard about ABS brakes, but What are ABS brakes and how do they work? without a doubt, just a few people understand what they are and how they work.

First, we need to start with how normal brakes work. In simple words, and very easy, breaks have three major components: The pedal, which is in the front pilot’s seat. The disk rotor that is directly attached to the axles; and the caliper and disk pads, which are over the disk rotor.

When the brake pedal is pressed, the caliper compresses the disk rotor creating friction between the disk pads and the disk, stopping the wheels and car. How fast the car stops depends on how strong we press the pedal.

In emergency situations, we have to press the pedal very strongly to stop the car abruptly and quickly. This action will block the wheels and the car will start to skid, losing control of the car and with a high probability of having an accident.

But, What are ABS brakes and how do they work?

The ABS brakes or Anti-lock Braking System is a tool that acts as an automatic and intelligent brake controller that helps the driver to steer while braking.

In summary, the ABS is a sensor that constantly checks the wheel speed, and if detects an abrupt or important loss of speed, will change the caliper compression automatically and independently for each will, helping the driver to not lose car control and lock the wheels while braking. That is, the ABS brakes automatically control the brakes and avoid locking the wheels.

Although the ABS is mandatory for every vehicle in many countries and practically most of the cars have the system incorporated, this is not a recent technology, indeed, is very old.

The first ABS was invented in 1920 and were used for planes, due to technology and electronic problems, ABS brakes were unable to use in cars or trains and remained as an exclusive system of planes, however, in 1970 the first functional ABS brakes for cars were developed, starting this new industry which has been evolving and improving this system over the years.

Precautions and problems you need know

What are ABS brakes and how do they work 1

The ABS brakes are such an incredible piece of technology, very effective in reducing the probability of an accident and frontal collisions. However, there are some precautions and problems with the ABS brakes that are necessary to know for a safe drive in every situation.

The effectiveness of ABS brakes depends principally on the contact area and friction between the wheels and the surfaces. In normal conditions on clear tarmac roads, the ABS system will work accurately and perfectly. On the other hand, on surfaces that have loose gravel, mud, or snow the ABS will not interpret the data correctly and will not work accurately.

So in these situations, especially in mud and snow, it is better to turn off the ABS brakes and rely on a traditional system for a better drive. Finally, remember that ABS brakes are just like any other component of the car and need to be checked at least once a year to ensure that they are working as they should.

Remember that in our A1 driving school, you can learn everything you need to know to take care of both your car and your life and that of your loved ones.

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